
For the inner You

ProInterior | Interior design

4m² kitchen with sliding door

Kuchnia z suwanymi drzwiami Kuchnia z suwanymi drzwiami
In a four-room apartment of 80m², kitchen has been planned as annex to living room. Entrance to the apartment is located in a corner and in the original walls' arrangement the apartment contained a long, incommodious corridor. Within my design, I have changed the living part of the apartment - I've enalrged the living room by a part of the corridor, giving an original shape to it. The kitchen annex and the passage to to the bedroom can be closed with big, curved sliding door. The right wing of the door hides in a curved wall of the bathroom, which has been enlarged by resigning from a separate WC. The left wing of the door slides onto a bookcase adjoining the kitchen. The sliding, curved door can be made of acrylic board, settled in appropriate profiles. Boards of this type available on the market can be cut, bent cold or warm and glued, also a scale of colours is available, as well as semi-transparent boards. In the design I've planned a semi-transparent filling of the door, thanks to which the closed kitched is partly visible and the interior seems more spacious and more interesting. Doors of such construction match with interiors arranged with modern furniture, e.g. in intensve colours.
Kuchnia z suwanymi drzwiami Kuchnia z suwanymi drzwiami
The side wall of the kitchen has been built from luxfer tiles. Thanks to this, light from the kitchen's window will reach the room in more degree. When the door to the kitchen is closed, the bookcase at the left-hand side of the kitchen is exposed. When the kitchen is open, the left wing of the door hides the bookcase and the right one, hidden in the bathroom's wall, can be shifted so, that it closes corridor to the bedroom, or left open.

Visualization for the design by Marek Panowski

Kitchen in a living room

Kuchnia w salonie

The kitchen presented on the pictures nearby is a part of an 80m² apartment, inhabited by two adult persons with a teenager child. The first picture shows the initial solution, proposed by developer. Hosts of the apartment have had a frequently met dilemma: whether to join kitchen with living room, or whether to separate, and if join - how and to what extent. At the stage of concept elaboration, I have proposed two solutions: an island and a tower.

Kuchnia wyspa

Island: The island option offers full opening and joining the kitchen with the living room, thanks to which a big space is achieved. In the central part of the room the island is placed with a kitchen plate and a worktop, under which kitchen cabinets are located. Near the worktop a shifted table is standing, which can be independently emplaced and arranged, e.g. for guests. The wall in front of the island is entirely built-up with kitchen cabinets, containing also a built-in fridge and an oven. Cabinets in the middle of this wall are low and shallow and above them, on the wall, free space is found for a big picture-wallpaper with an interesting theme or view. This untypical solution causes, that the kitchen looses its ordinary character and becomes an integral part of the living room. A baisin is placed aside, in a recess of plasterboard, with walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling, thanks to which the basin is less visible. In the living part a big corner daybed is plced and a TV set with RTV equipment are put under the window. Behind the daybed, a low enlighted wall is located, which separates the living part from the anteroom.

Kuchnia wieża

Tower: In this option the kitchen is separated from the living room by a tower-wall with recessess and stores, playing the role of a multifunction piece of furniture. Around the tower I've designed a suspended ceiling with spotlights. Their light grants an interesting climate to the room and with the kitchen lighting switched off it exposes the tower causing that the kitchen part is less visible, "hidden in the shadow". From the side of the rest part, the tower contains a recess for RTV equipment and records. From the side of kitchen, in a big recess, the tower contains a fridge, a stove and a cabinet. From the side of dining annex the tower has a recess, into which a table for three persons is shifted. Above the table, the tower contains cabinets for kitchen stuff (plates, beakers etc.). At such arrangement, the table usually occupies less sace. The table is unfolded, so if necessary, e.g. during guests' visit, the rest part can be arranged as dining room. From the side of entrance to the apartment, marked with an arrow, the tower contains cabinets for keys and stuff of various type.